Solar energy is one source available in nature readily. The largest solar electric generating plant in ht e world in the place Kramer Junction in California is producing 354 mega watts of electricity. The solar collectors converts sunlight to heat a heat transfer fluid to a high temperature. The hot heat transfer fluid is then used to generate steam that drives the power conversion subsystem, producing electricity. Thermal energy storage provides heat for operation during periods without adequate sunshine.

Using photovoltaic cells also we can generate electricity magic silvers of silicon that converts the solar energy falling on them directly into electricity.
Knowledge of the quantity of solar energy available at a specific location is of prime importance for the design of any solar energy system. The sun radiation may vary from place to place which can cause wide variations in available isolation on the earth's surface.
Solar energy is a good source of energy and I wonder why we are not using it in a large scale. I understand the cost factor but if the Govt. and the big companies can mind, we can use it in a better way.
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