Retail Buildings
The Department of Energy admits that it is a difficult thing for retailers to strike a balance between creating an energy efficient environment and attracting customers. Due to displays and signs that potentially consume vast amounts of energy, in addition to regular energy costs for heating and cooling, it is a hard feat to accomplish. It is, however, possible to reduce these costs, and the following tips show retailers how to do this.
Reduce lighting costs with energy-efficient lighting such as T-8, compact fluorescent, and metal halide fixtures
Install energy management systems to monitor and control energy use throughout the building
Control air infiltration in heavily trafficked areas with energy-efficient doors and windows
Improve comfort and indoor air quality with proper maintenance and cleaning of heating, cooling, and ventilation systems
Health Care Buildings
It probably seems pretty obvious that with the large amount of people entering and exiting health care buildings, as well as utilizing various types of medical equipment in the process, finding ways to reduce energy costs is a difficult one for hospitals and medical facilities. According to the Department of Energy, "medical facilities spend $5.3 billion annually on energy, and rank second only to the food service industry in intensity of energy usage." This astounding budget spent on energy can be decreased through some fairly simple adjustments, as seen in the following solutions.
Reduce energy and maintenance costs and increase patient comfort by installing centralized energy management systems
Save energy and water with solar water heating systems and low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets
Reduce lighting loads by replacing inefficient fixtures with T-8, compact fluorescent, and metal halide fixtures
Specify ENERGY STAR products for administrative offices
The two building that today's post provided tips for have some obvious difficulties facing them in regards to conserving energy and cutting the costs of energy bills. As we have seen, it is possible through the adjustments listed above in the solutions, as well as the assistance of those occupying the buildings. Customers obviously do not have the responsibility to conserve your buildings energy, but workers employed at the building can help out. The big picture, however, is that many energy saving aspects can be best implemented in the construction of new buildings. Many hospitals, as well as retail buildings, are being constructed with this in mind.
We will continue tomorrow with this series and look at some more tips for conserving energy in buildings, thanks to the solutions of the Department of Energy.
Energy Solutions for Various Types of Buildings Part 2 - Green Energy Online

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